Three Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Weight loss isn?t just about eating less food. Healthy eating can accelerate your efforts in losing weight. The following are three tips to not only be healthy, but also to lose weight quickly.

Enjoy the Foods You Eat

Weight loss shouldn?t be a chore. If you believe the only foods good for you are those foods that taste badly, then you?re facing an uphill battle right from the start. Instead look at eating as a part of life, and find those foods that you enjoy (and maybe eat slightly less of them). Look to obtain a better balance so that while eating the foods you enjoy, also add some foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables.

You can even start off with just those fruits and vegetables that you currently like and then experiment with expanding to that list, all while looking to maintain a balance between these fresh foods and the foods that may not be the healthiest. Given time, you may find that you acquire a taste for healthy foods.

Try some new recipes. If you don't like raw vegetables, try some steamed ones. If they taste too bland, try adding some spices. You?ll find that as you lose weight and get more energy, your body will start craving these better feelings of health by wanting more of those healthier foods.

Believe in Yourself

Belief is yourself is a necessary component to achieving your goal. If you don't believe what you are doing will work, eventually you?ll give up. Some people quit and blame it on the food, or blame it on where they live, or that they work too many hours to really eat any good food. But in the end, it all comes down to saying to yourself, ?I?m going to do it, no matter what.?

Food may be considered an addiction and the best way to break an addiction is a gradual leading away from the addictive habit, rather than a ?snap? withdrawal (a ?snap? withdrawal is bound for failure). Don?t worry as much about those calories, just tell yourself that you?re going to eat a ?little? less and then supplement the difference with healthier foods.

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Successful weight loss involves not hoarding food. Your body hoards the food you eat if you have infrequent, large meals. Weight loss success appears to be in eating smaller meals, frequently throughout the day (4-6 meals spread out every couple hours). Although smaller meals doesn?t mean 4-6 TV dinners every 2 hours. The successful way is have a regular breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then in-between there?s some light snacking, such as a protein bar or meal replacement powder(Muscle Milk from Cytosport is really good for this).

Try to have some fruit and/or vegetables with the breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if a special occasion happens and a piece of cake comes your way, enjoy it without guilt. The key is to be in control and not overdo it ... and don't allow any feelings of guilt to overcome your belief in yourself.

Make sure that you don?t starve yourself. If you start to feel extremely hungry, then you?re probably waiting too long between meals. You see, your body adjusts to the conditions you place on it. If you wait to eat, then your body will adjust by storing more food from the next incoming meal when you finally do eat. The net effect of the habit of waiting is just as if you ate a large meal, as your body stores more of the food, but you don?t get the benefit of eating more food. This is how the downward weight loss failure spiral works (the person eats less, the body stores more of the food, yet the individual feels more tired).

Having four to six meals per day will work if you pace yourself. If you are not hungry when it is time to eat meal number two, the next day adjust meal one so that it doesn't fill you up so much. On the other hand, if you are starving by the time meal two comes around, change meal one so that you are more satisfied (by eating a little more, or adding some healthy fats, or trying some different new foods).

Eating can be a pleasure. It is something we are blessed with and something to be enjoyed. Adjust yourself to eat when you are ready, not when it is time. When you feel it is time to eat, eat something (it?s ok to give yourself permission to do so). Strive for that balance to not have hunger pains and also a balance between processed and natural foods. Try this for a few weeks and you'll find that you?ll believe in yourself to achieve your goal.

It will happen for you and I?ll be so happy for you. Done this way, the weight loss can last you a lifetime, while the health benefits will increase the everyday quality of life for you.

Copyright (c) 2006.

Jessica Deets researches the internet and writes to help people. There's more weight loss news and information at the website at

How to Eliminate Dry Skin Naturally

Everyone wants smooth, glowing beautiful skin! How many of us can say that we actually posses it? We purchase countless products, undergo expensive treatments and still suffer with dry, flaky or ?ashy? skin. In order to see a long lasting change, you must examine your lifestyle. Take time to consider what impact your diet, sleeping habits, activity and skin care routine have on your skin.

1. Be sure to include fresh fruit, nutritious vegetables, whole grains and clean water in your daily diet. Your skin is a living organ. Give it what is needed to stay healthy.

2. Start the day with invigorating stretches. Learn basic yoga and practice it for 10-30 minutes each morning.

3. Cleanse your skin with cold-processed soaps. They contain plant oils that nourish the skin cells. Avoid products with Sodium Laurel Sulfate or other harsh detergents.

4. Exfoliate skin weekly to remove dead skin cells and toxins. Use a scrub with plant-based ingredients to restore moisture and elasticity.

5. After the bath or shower, moisturize the entire body with a mineral oil-free product. Be sure to read labels. Even some ?natural products? contain mineral oil. It is a cheap by product of petroleum and does not contribute the health of your skin.

6. Monitor the water temperature when bathing, extremely hot temperatures can be drying as well. 7. Use proper sun protection and limit your exposure to direct sunlight.

8. Retire by 10:00 pm each evening. This allows your body time to heal itself and restore all organ systems. In turn, promoting good skin health.

By following this holistic approach you should experience a significant difference in the health of your skin.

Chanelle Washington, BSN is a Certified Holistic Practioner. She is an honors graduate of Temple University and member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses. Ms. Washington is an informative speaker, inspiring author and owner of Indigofera ? Plant Based Body Care Collection?. Contact her at

Body Care In Fall Nail Care

As the weather becomes colder, proper nail care becomes more and more important. Here is the list of do?s and dont?s that will make your nail care procedure easier:

DO?s & DON?T?s for nail care:

Do not put your hands into any kind of washing up liquid

Think about a leftover bowl of a chicken casserole and what happens when you squirt one bit of detergent on that. Now consider what that?s doing to the natural oils in your hands and the natural oils in the fingernails which is the only part holding the finger nails together. It?s totally destructive!

It?s dangerous to cut the cuticles of your nails

The cuticle is a natural seal where the skin bonds with the nail. If you open a cuticle up, you allow bacteria to have access straight into the blood system.

The cuticle solution

Cuticles should be removed with cuticle removing solution. Also, every time your hands are in the bath for a long time, rubbing the cuticle and moving it back removes the dead cells. They must be very soft to do that and be in the water for 15 minutes.

Beware of fast drying nail polishes

Fast drying nail polishes today have a high percentage isopropyl alcohol (IPA). This tends to make nails dry and crumble. Once the polish dries up it become brittle, flaky and begins to chip off. A nail polish that bonds really well is also the type that takes a while to dry. So it?s a trade-off.

Be square!

People tend to point their fingernails when they?re filing, which leads to filing away the sides of the nail. Because the sides is what gives the fingernail strength, pointed nails will tend to give you splits in the sides. Pointed nails break much easier. They should grow until there is at least an eighth of an inch of free edge before you start to point them. People started to wear their nails square (particularly in the USA) out of necessity because they needed the side wall of the nail to give it strength.

Every thing you touch

... is an emery board. If you have the slightest snag on the ends of your nails, it will cause your nails to rip. Every time you touch something, fingernails bend. Fingernails are meant to bend but every time you do, that snag will open up more and eventually turn into a split. How do you avoid this calamity? Use a very gentle file, never a metal file.

Best beauty tip in the world

Use a thick hand cream, smother your hands in it, wear cotton gloves, then rubber gloves and then do the washing up. The heat will melt the cream, releasing the natural oils and in two weeks even the roughest hands will look like a baby?s bum. The transformation is amazing.

And it?s a way to beat the household blues! It will make the fingernails grow too. The natural oils in the fingernails is what holds them together!

Beauty Routine

1. I never ever ever go to bed with my makeup on, even if I have been out partying and had one too many. If you do, you will wake up the next morning, not only with a possible hangover, but with gunged, screwed up, dirty eyes that need loads of tlc. (tender loving care) So you must develop your own bedtime routine.

2. I try to get a good nights sleep as this, in my opinion, is the best beauty treatment you can have. And it's free. As we go through life this is not always possible with all the stresses and tensions that modern day living has brought to us. But as I said, I try.

3. In the morning I have a cup of tea, if I feel particularly virtuous I'll have a cup of green tea, ugh, and then get up to face the day.

4. Before I have a shower I tie my hair up and clean my teeth while waiting for the water to get hot.

5. After my shower I cleanse my face with one of those new style wipes and they are brilliant.

6. I spritz my face with a water spray then moisturise. I would not miss this for the world because moisturiser holds the water in your skin and helps keep your skin hydrated.

7. Next. Wow but Next. I always, without fail, use a TOTAL sunblock. My daughter says I look too pale but, if you don't want a pale face, the answer is to use either a brown cheek shadow, blusher or an artificial sun colorant.

8. Let the cream dry thoroughly before applying your makeup. This is a pain but necessary or your skin will be too greasy.

Then I have my two minute plan.

9. Take a large soft brush, like a shaving brush, and the dust your face with mineral powder make up. This is the best make up I have ever used for a day time make up. You can add extra if you want a more made up look for evening or if you want to conceal blemishes.

10. Then with a flat eye shadow brush and using a basic beige powder shadow I brush all over my lids, fading it out the closer to the brows I get. I normally accentuate the creases of my eyelids for a slightly more dramatic look with a darker shade.

11. Then a quick lick of mascara (brown) a touch of lip gloss and I'm off. I promise you that this quick beauty routine is all you need to have a beautiful look that will keep in all day and not look overmade up or take forever to apply.

Why waste your valuable time doing all that heavy smuck?

P.S. I only ever buy moisturiser and face creams from the local supermarket, because in my opinion, unless you have a problem skin that may need specialist treatment, the designer products are over priced, often celebrity endorsed and offer little value for money.

Copyright 2006 Jaks Lloyd

Jaks Lloyd, former photographic fashion model, is the author of the above article which appears in her definitive website The Ultimate Cutting Edge in Eye Beauty.

5 Benefits of Tanning Bed Lotion

Whether you tan year round, during the summer or only before a vacation or holiday you should always use a tanning bed lotion. There are several benefits to a good lotion for both enhancing your color and protecting your skin. Although the only safe tan can be obtained through sunless tanning, a good lotion will make the process safer than lying in beds with no protection at all.

The health risks of tan beds have been well publicized. The most common risks include melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. Using a good tan product won?t completely protect you from these risks, but can keep you from wrinkling like a prune.

5 Benefits of Tanning Bed Lotion

A good lotion moisturizes the skin. Ultraviolet light id drying to the skin on your body and face. A good lotion with high quality ingredients nourishes the skin and replenishes lost moisture. In addition, it firms and soothes the skin. An after tan lotion and moisturizer between sessions helps improve the condition of your skin.

A good lotion can help prevent some of the damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Antioxidant ingredients, such as vitamin E and grapefruit extract, help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. This helps reduce some of the signs of premature aging that are caused by the regular use of tanning beds. Special lotions are available to protect the skin around the eyes. You should also wear goggles to protect this sensitive skin.

They help shorten your exposure to Ultraviolet light. Since you tan faster with a lotion, you will need to spend less time in the bed than you would without a cream. More time in the bed results in a higher risk of skin damage or cancer.

Some products have a cooling effect on the skin. These are great for people with sensitivity to heat. A cooling lotion lessens this heat sensitivity and makes the tan bed experience much more comfortable.

Using lotion accelerates the tanning process. Ingredients in some products are added to accelerate the tan and give you a more intense color. These cause a tingling feeling on the skin.

Quality Ingredients in Tanning Bed Lotion

Choose a product with high quality ingredients for the best protection. Look for natural botanicals, plant extracts and essential oils. Some good ingredients include:

oMethyl Nicotinate is used to accelerate the tanning process
oAntioxidant ingredients are added to help reduce the signs of premature aging
oNatural plant extracts are added to soothe and moisturize the skin. These ingredients include aloe, coconut and other plant ingredients.
oEssential oils moisturize and nourish the skin

Choosing a Tanning Bed Lotion

When selecting an indoor tan product, consider your skin tone and level of tanning experience. Many products are labelled for skin type or level of tanning. Some products are intended for advanced tanning and should never be used by a beginner or someone with fair skin. Doing this can cause damage to the skin.

The owner of the salon can assist you in selecting the best lotion for your skin type and the bed you will be using. Some salons carry small, sample sized packages. These allow you to try a few products before investing in a large bottle. Once you have chosen the right product, look for it at discount or wholesale prices on the internet.

Ken Morris distributes lots of information to the internet site The writer is featuring tanning bed lotion and various articles in the field.