How to Improve Your Vision Without Surgery Simple Eye Exercises Work Wonders

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit. Going to the gym, jogging, and swimming are all on the good for you list of activities. But did you know that you can exercise your eyes as well? Exercising your eyes keeps them healthy, takes away eyestrain, helps you to focus and even improves your vision without surgery.

Exercise 1. Massage

  • First close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 7 or 8 times.
  • Then close your eyes and massage with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise you could hurt your eyes.
  • Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, hold for 1-2 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise 2. Movement

    Sit and relax. Roll your eyes clockwise, then anticlockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each.

    Exercise 3. Mark on the glass

    Sit about 50 cm from the window. Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.

    Exercise 4. Follow a pencil

    Hold a pencil in front of you on a length of an arm. Move your arm slowly to your nose, follow the pencil with your eyes until you can keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercise 5. Writing on the wall

    Look in front of you at the opposite wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head. It seems difficult at the starts, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.

    Exercise 6. Watch the time with your eyes

    Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock. Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.

    When doing the exercises, make sure that you're not facing anybody, or else that they know you're doing eye exercises. Otherwise they might think you have gone nuts.

    If you can spare 10-15 minutes a day to do these exercises, it would be very beneficial for the health of your eyes. But it is even more important to do the exercises regularly, than it is to do them for a long time. Even 30-60 seconds of eye movement every hour is very helpful. For example, when your computer takes its sweet time to do something, most people just swear at the poor thing and waste the time, but you can make a few circles with your eyes. Even the first day you do this, you should notice that, when you finished working, your eyes aren't as tired as usual.

    See other simple tips for your eye health

    Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of discount contact lenses with reviews and pictures

    Carbohydrates Explained

    The carbohydrates are the starches and sugars which are the main providers of energy for keeping the body working and coping with the activities we undertake. Western man has about half his diet in the form of carbohydrate but in the east it constitutes up to 90% usually taken as grains. It is fortunate that grains are also good providers of protein; starvation is generally the result of too little food rather than too few carbohydrates.

    The refining of carbohydrates into white flour, polished rice and white sugar is a prime cause of overweight. Such foods are easy to eat in large amounts whereas if they are as near nature as possible-for example as whole wheat flour; brown rice and raw sugar-the appetite is well satisfied with less quantity.

    Another bonus is that the all important dietary fiber, probably in its best form as cereal fiber (bran), is retained. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the contents of the gut, and for this reason is extremely valuable in preventing constipation. It is thought that a Western diet low in dietary fiber may be one of the causes of diverticulitis, appendicitis and varicose veins.

    If you include dietary fiber in your diet you will be less likely to suffer from those disorders linked with over-refined foods. It must be remembered that brown bread is often colored with caramel, and has added wheat germ (a good food in itself), but is basically made from a refined or semi-refined flour. It is safest to insist when you can on bread from stone ground whole-wheat flour as this will contain all the necessary nutrients. Brown rice, pulses (lentils, peas and beans) and oatmeal are also excellent sources of dietary fiber.

    Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses and health problems

    8 Steps to Natural Beauty from the Inside Out

    Have you ever noticed people that possess a radiant glow about them? It is the type of beauty that goes beyond the surface. If you would like to reflect your best without pricey miracle products, risky procedures or fad diets read on:

    1. Follow a natural detoxification program for 3 days once per month. drink plenty of purified water, meditate, drink herbal cleansing teas, fiber rich foods and eliminate processed foods, dairy, alcohol,tobacco, etc.

    2. Perform skin brushing to improve circulation and maintain a youthful appearance.

    3. Bathe in in relaxing herbs and soothing essential oils. Try dried rose petals, lavender buds, clary sage or patchouli.

    4. Moisturize skin with plant based ingredients. (avoid mineral oil) * Beautiful skin is the secret to aging gracefully* Weekly home spa treatments with Indigofera's Body Polishing Scrub and Silken Body Butter reveal smooth glowing skin.

    5.Create positive affirmations and repeat them throughout the day. I am light, I attract health, wisdom and beauty

    6. Wear authentic gemstone jewelry like, amber, amethyst, citrine, & garnet.

    7. Pay special attention to the colors you where, try to avoid dark colors. Study the Seven Chakras and learn about the energy of color.

    8. Smile and laugh more often! Unmanaged stress contributed to premature signs of aging.

    Chanelle Washington, RN, BSN is a Certified Holistic Practitioner and founder of Indigofera. She is an honors graduate of Temple University and member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor society for nurses. She is an informative speaker, author. She facilitates Optimal Wellness Workshops. To book her as a speaker call 215-525-3594 or e-mail

    Deep Skin Moisturizing

    When it comes to skin care, moisturizing is usually one of the more popular, and though it?s hard to believe, more controversial topics. Some experts swear by moisturizing as the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy while others feel a bit more suspicious of its benefits. Since my grandma lived to 94 years of age with beautiful skin and touted the benefits of moisturizing for years, I tend to lean towards giving it a go. For many, moisturizing on a daily basis is already a daily part of their skin care regime while others are just jumping on the bandwagon for the first time. Regardless of where you fall, deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

    First, let?s discuss why your skin needs to be moisturized in the first place. Your skin needs water and oil to carry out its natural healing process. Dehydrated skin has a decreased ability to do that. Although not directly responsible for wrinkles, fine lines, and the more serious risks, such as skin cancer, dry skin is a contributing factor. Since dehydrated skin is less likely to heal itself, it is harder for your skin to recover from the negative effects of the sun and the natural aging process. For these reasons, it seems obvious that moisture is an important part of skin care and moisturizing your skin would be beneficial.

    Once you have decided to moisturize, next you?ll need to know just how to go about it. There are a large variety of moisturizing products on the market today that claim to be the ultimate choice in a sea of options. With all these choices it can be difficult to decide what works best for you. Some of the easier, more natural remedies for dry skin are protecting it from the sun, drinking plenty of water, and eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine. This alone will increase your skin?s moisture content without actually applying anything to it.

    For some though, an application of some type of moisturizer is necessary. You want your moisturizer to contain not only moisturizing ingredients, but protective elements as well. Look for products that include in their ingredients including collagen, herbs like Gotu Kola, Flame of Forest, and Sensitive Plant, as well as biological oils. Although moisturizing your skin in most cases is beneficial, if you suffer from acne or particularly sensitive skin, you will need to use a moisturizer that is low in oils and allergen free.

    The most effective time to apply a skin moisturizer is directly after showering or bathing. While the skin is saturated, the moisturizer will help to lock in the water and keep your skin moist longer.

    Brian Fong

    Deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

    How to Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

    Exfoliating dead skin cells is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin. After all, that's exactly what exfoliating is -- removing the top layer of dead skin cells and allowing the new and healthier skin cells to rise to the surface. Simply washing your skin with traditional soap and water isn?t enough. To remove those nasty dead skin cells you will need to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis.

    There are several reasons that exfoliating is good for your skin. Regular exfoliating gives your skin a more radiant look and a smoother feel. Over time, it can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and will contribute to your skin?s firmness and tone. It increases the blood circulation in the skin, helps to remove toxins, rids your skin of dry, rough patches, and can even help to break down and lessen the appearance of cellulite, something we would all be grateful not to have. It enhances the effects of daily moisturizing by allowing the moisturizer to penetrate the skin more deeply. Although exfoliating is good for your skin, it should be done in moderation. Depending on the strength of your exfoliating product, most dermatologists recommend that you exfoliate your face one to two times a week and other parts of your body about three times a week.

    The reasons for exfoliating your dead skin cells are compelling but just how do you go about actually doing it. There are such a large variety of products on the market today that it can be quite difficult to decide where to start. First, there are several natural ways to eliminate dead skin cells. One such way is to use sea salts. Simply wet the face, or wherever you?re exfoliating, and apply a couple of tablespoons of sea salt to the dampened area. Using a washcloth or your fingers, gently massage the sea salts into your skin in a circular motion. Continue this for about two or three minutes and rinse with cold water. You can also make your own exfoliating cream by using 2 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of Olive Oil, and ginger. Apply in the same fashion as mentioned above. The added benefit of these natural exfoliants is they are cost effective.

    There are multiple products on the market today that you can choose from if going the all-natural route isn?t for you. Most of these exfoliates will contain Beta Hydroxy Acids and Alpha Hydroxy Acids. These are both non-toxic, herbal acids that are effective in sloughing off the dead skin cells on the body.

    Brian Fong

    Exfoliating dead skin is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin.

    The Skin Benefits Of Omega 3 Tinned But Untamed

    Omega 3 fatty acids and protein are great for healthy skin. Hair, skin and nails are mostly made of protein, though the minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals we get from the best type of carbohydrates - fruit and vegetables - are also crucial if skin care is your goal.

    Protein is needed to repair cells, it is important for energy levels, balancing blood sugar levels, and is involved with glutathione production. Glutathione is an important antioxidant, and antioxidants are essential components of eating your way to beauty.

    So what are some good sources of protein that are somewhat under-represented in our average diet?

    Fish is excellent as it supplies both protein, and the omega 3 fatty acids, which are believed to contribute to skin health. The oily fish like salmon, tuna, cod and mackerel are good natural sources of omega 3, that have the advantage of avoiding the reflux problem associated with many fish oil supplements. Being a whole food, these fish also have DMAE, which is excellent for protecting cellular membranes and improving skin tone. (Angyal) Recommended sources of DMAE from fish are anchovies, sardines, and wild salmon.

    Canned salmon is a good option, generally. Although it may seem strange to encourage people to eat canned salmon over fresh salmon, it has some important advantages that are the direct result of farming practices for fresh fish. According to Erica Angyal, the author of Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days, canned salmon is typically wild salmon. Wild salmon and farmed salmon that was raised in crowded pens made of nets (think of an underwater battery cage), have some important differences in nutrient value.

    The food farmed salmon are fed is very different to what wild salmon eat. Wild salmon eat other sea residents such as shrimp and krill. And it is this diet that gives them the lovely pink color we associate with salmon. On the other hand, farmed salmon are fed soybean pellets and other cereal based food, which changes their ratio of essential fatty acids. They become characterized by higher levels of saturated fats and omega 6 fatty acids (linoleic acid), which we get plenty of in our diets anyway, and their levels of the beneficial omega 3 fatty acids become lower. Given that the whole point many people eat fish for is to change this very ratio in themselves, it seems to negate the point somewhat.

    On top of this, farmed salmon, like their counterparts in the poultry and beef industries, are fed antibiotics to keep them healthy and protect the farmer's investment. There is an expectation of cost effectiveness and market value that determines the type of conditions farmed salmon grow in. To compensate for the lack of pink color, colors are added that can be made both naturally and synthetically. Whether they are natural or synthetic is generally up to the farmer.

    This is not to say farmed salmon is bad, or has no omega 3 fatty acids. It does, and it is better than nothing. And fresh fish is a lovely meal. But like eating free range eggs in preference to battery cage eggs, wild salmon is an infinitely better nutritional choice.

    References: E Angyal, Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days (Lothian, 2005)

    Do you have acne? Learn which vitamins and minerals are best to help repair the skin and manage acne in this acne nutrition article. Or learn more about the effects of carbohydrates on acne in this diets to clear acne article.

    "I Do!" The Commitment of Chemical Services

    Debating upon getting a chemicals service? Here are a few things you may want to take into consideration when making your decision. Just because most do not understand how much of a commitment a chemical service can be, I've decided to give you some insight. Let's say for example you decide to get an all over color. Depending upon how fast your hair grows, how long your hair is and how far away you deviate from your natural hair color, you may need your roots touched up every 6-8 weeks (not to mention the necessary deep conditioning treatments).

    To illustrate, what I am saying, imagine a woman with short dark brown hair, wanting to be an all over blonde. Because the two colors (dark brown and blonde) are a large contrast, her roots will appear to have grown out faster. The shorter she wears her hair, the more obvious these roots will be (which means she will need her roots touched up more often).

    Staying closer to your natural color means you can go longer between touching up the roots, but colors closer to your natural color won't stand out as much.

    When dealing with relaxers, keep in mind as soon as you get your hair relaxed, maintaining it is mandatory, not optional! If you go too long without getting the roots touched up, you will find that your hair will break off from the point where your relaxed hair and new growth meet (this meeting point is called the line of demarcation).

    I understand that the majority of women get relaxers in order to save time styling, but may have never taken up keep (via products, salon visits, etc) into consideration.

    I strongly advise you?to NEVER place a chemical on a child?s head, EVER! Listen, I am a licensed professional that receives money for services rendered, and I refuse to do it! Over the long run, the damage is just not worth it. I suggest waiting until after adolescence before performing chemical services. I realize that professionals have various opinions on this subject. You've just witnessed mine.

    So before you say ?I do? know exactly what you are getting yourself into. From the initial cost, and maintenance to the overall commitment.

    Dwayne Pressley is a licensed cosmetologist, hair care consultant, (found at public speaker and author of the internet's scorching hot e-book on the subject of hair What Your Hair stylist Doesn't Want You To Know for more information join the group and/or visit him at

    Inside Secrets of a Beauty Consultant Painless Hair Removal Tips You Can Use

    If you have been shaving for a number of years you may be amazed when you hear claims that there is such a thing as painless hair removal that lasts. You will have tried everything for silky soft skin - shaving doesn't last, electrolysis and laser hair removal are too painful.

    What you need to try is the new breed of epilators which gently pulls the hair while holiding the skin firmly to ensure no pain.

    Panasonic designs some unique and easy to use epilators that will make your day go so much easier. You will have the comfort of knowing that you will be hair free even in sensitive areas for up to 4 to 6 weeks with a Panasonic epilator.

    The only most women are talking about is the Panasonic Skin Protector System Epilator. This awesome epilator holds down your skin while it gently pulls out the hair. The 32 tweezer discs will gently pull even the finest hair from the root and does not come in direct contact with your skin. The head of the Panasonic Epilator slides from side to side very smoothly to remove all the hair including ones that are around 0.5mm. This is one epilator that you are sure to use all the time. It can go cordless with its rechargeable battery or can also be used with the cord. To re-charge all you need to do is plug it in. I particularly recommend this epilator for very sensitive skin.

    Another recommended Panasonic Epilator is the ES119AC Progressions Cosmetic Groomer. This is one unique epilator that can be used by either a man or woman. It was designed especially for use on the face and neck. This cool epilator is battery operated, so there are never any cords in the way, so it is much easier to use. You will enjoy taking it with you as you travel or when you need to remove hair on the go. The stainless steel microfine blades will give you a comfortable and easy way to remove unwanted hair.

    Once you have tried an epilator you will never rely on anything else.

    As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for Epilator Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.

    Copyright ? All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

    The Benefits of Discount Salon Equipment

    Many suppliers of salon equipment offer products that are labeled as ?discount? for various reasons. Some discounted salon equipment may be a good bargain, but the buyer must always be an educated consumer when purchasing such discounted items.

    Discount salon equipment may pertain to both new and used equipment. There are many suppliers that tout the word ?discount? to entice consumers to purchase their products. In an effort to convince the customer that they offer better prices than their competitors, they loosely advertise that they offer ?discount? prices. There are numerous, reputable suppliers that do offer great buys and low prices on quality equipment; however it is extremely important to be a wise consumer and conduct basic product research prior to purchasing discount salon equipment.

    Suppliers of discount salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment. Large suppliers are often able to offer deep discounts to the customer due to their ability to make bulk purchases directly from the factory. This can equate to great cost savings for the consumer. Unlike smaller suppliers, businesses specializing in discount salon equipment typically do not offer customization of equipment. They offer what is currently in stock and quickly ship to the customer in an effort to bring in new equipment. Many discount suppliers have elaborate e-commerce sites and online catalogs that allow potential customers to easily research available products and prices.

    Suppliers of discount salon equipment frequently offer financing or leasing options to qualified customers. Even at discount prices, some salon equipment can be very expensive. The option of financing or leasing equipment often makes good business sense to a salon owner. The ability to break a large payment into smaller monthly payments or take advantage of lower monthly ?lease? payments may appeal to a new salon owner or simply entice a thrifty customer to make a purchase.

    In purchasing discount salon equipment it is important to know that the supplier is reputable. Ask questions about their return and exchange policies. If the policy is not easily understood or does not exist, make a purchase elsewhere. The Better Business Bureau is a great resource when attempting to ensure that a supplier is reputable. Networking and asking other salon owners where they purchase their equipment may also lead to capturing a great deal.

    Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

    How to Combat the 3 Causes of Aging

    We all know that time can take its toll on our skin. Fine lines appear, skin's moisture retention decreases, blotches appear, and skin just doesn't bounce back like it used to. We're going to take an in depth look on why that happens and how to slow down that process.

    Many people don't know this, but the first casue of accelerated aging is caused by the iron found in our tap water. The iron in our tap water that we use on a daily basis creates damaging oxidation reactions with our skin.

    The second cause of accelerated aging is free radicals that attack our skin cells. And, finally, the most well known cause of aging is the damaged by sun.

    The problem with most skin care lines on the market today is that they claim to nourish and protect the skin, but do they really live up to their claim? Unfortunately, no. These ingredients only address a small area of the free radical damage found on the surface of the skin. Also, these ingredients may be present, but at very low levels and may not be able to be absorbed and utilized by your skin.

    Based on Shaklee's in depth research, the key ingredient they found to combat aging is the triple patented Vital Repair+. The Vital Repair + is known to block each known link in the chain free radical damage.

    Is there proof that the Enfuselle anti aging system works? Results:

    Normal to Dry-

    -665% increase in skin resilience and firmness in 28 days
    -14% increase in retained skin moisture in 56 days
    -A definitive evening of skin tone in 84 days

    Normal to Oily-

    -270%increase in skin resilience and firmness in 28 days
    -17% increase in retained skin moisture in 56 days
    -A definitive evening of skin tone in 84 days

    Why choose the Enfuselle anti aging systems?

    -Contains the breakthrough patented Vital Repair+ Complex
    -Clinically proven to reduce the signs of aging
    -Provides SPF 15 sun protection
    -Won't clog pores
    -Oil free
    -Dye free
    -Soap free
    -Dermatologist tested
    -Not tested on animals
    -No animal derived ingredients
    -Backed by the integrity and quality of the 50 year old company Shaklee

    Visit or call Lauren at 1-866-205-6905 to get your Enfuselle products today and start combating the signs of aging!

    Spotlight Your Beauty Spots Tips and Tricks

    When it comes to favorite beauty spots, fashionistas everywhere have a definite preference. Whether it is your hair stylist, colorist, manicurist, or your favorite spa, these carefully guarded secrets should be shared with your best pals. Usually, the best way to find a fantastic beauty spot is to ask around. Word of mouth spreads reviews like wild fire, so do not be shy! Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers to find that spot that can help you become your best.

    A hair stylist has a unique bond with his or her customers. Generally, you entrust one of the first things people see about you?your hair?to a complete stranger and keep your fingers crossed the cut looks right on you. Instead of hoping and praying your cut will look okay, do something about it! Bring in photographs or magazine clippings so your stylist knows exactly what you want. Before he or she ever picks up a pair of scissors, discuss this decision with the expert to see if your hair can accomplish the daring ?do. You may need to try several different stylists to see who bests works with you, so consider asking for trims or reshaping cuts before you ask a stranger to go wild with your locks.

    Usually, individuals stick to a specific beauty spot for all their beauty needs. Spas are popping up all over the country that offer hair cuts, waxing, massages, manicures, pedicures, facials, and skin treatments. By finding your specific beauty spot, you will be able to essentially do one stop shopping when it comes to you overall appearance. Instead of hunting for an individual to shape and wax your eyebrows, entrust your top notch beauty spot to find one for you!

    Make your visits to your favorite beauty spot of choice a mini holiday. Instead of rushing through a hair cut or facial, plan several events and spend the afternoon in pampered bliss. Be sure you schedule enough time for each different task so that you will not be rushed through your day. Spa days are a great way to spend time with friends, family members, or children. Many moms bring their daughters along for a day of pampering and joy at their favorite beauty spot. This treat is a great way for mothers and daughters to spend quality time together while getting away from the stresses and distractions of everyday life.

    Bridget Allen has worked for many years in the fashion industry, at a senior level, and she has written an amazing, totally free fashionista minicourse that will thrill, entertain, and most importantly educate you about what you absolutely need to know about fashion.
    Get the free course Fashionista Essentials now. Click Fashionista Essentials now.

    Reclaim Your Youthful Appearance Through Emotional Detoxification

    What many call emotional baggage is more than just that. More aptly and appropriately called unresolved negative past emotional issues? it has a definite effect on your stress level, your vital life energy resources and therefore on your youthful appearance over the course of your life.

    This is clearly evident in individuals whose appearance has deteriorated significantly as a result of having had a hard life.

    Another way of proving this to yourself is by simply recalling an unpleasant event/memory that you are still carrying inside and sit with it for a minute or two. As you do notice what happens to your mood, your stress level, your overall energy level etc.

    I think you'll immediately recognize that your vital life resources are being significantly strained. The tiredness or heaviness you feel as you do this is clear evidence of that.

    Unfortunately many think that by simply ?not thinking? about what they are still carrying this will make the emotional pain go away. Well it only goes away out of your conscious mind and straight into your body where it continues to do the damage at a physical level.

    There is now some interesting research emerging that suggests that such negativity can affect the DNA itself structurally and functionally thus leading to the malfunction of other physiological processes in the body. This is what many associate with the process of aging itself.

    Until recently the idea that one could actually reclaim the lost vital energy that was parasitically being consumed by such emotional baggage was unheard of.

    Now a new modality known as the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) has been shown in thousands of cases to be able to help individuals begin to reclaim significant amounts of their own vital life energy.

    When this energy is reclaimed it is found to spontaneously return to the mind and body and supports it miraculously in helping it to restore its vitality, health and youthfulness.

    This is akin to saying that the aging process itself is being reversed.

    MRP is a process that facilitates the rapid and permanent release of negative emotional life history such as mild, moderate and severely disturbing memories, emotions and beliefs held in the mind/body (also known as the unconscious mind). I call this process ?Emotional Detoxification?.

    MRP is a process unlike any other and perhaps the first on this planet to show a real and definite link between the life history one carries inside and its effects on one's health, longevity and youthful appearance.

    I have written extensively about MRP here and invite you to read further or to arrange an introductory consultation by visiting the web link below.

    Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called Spirituality And Science (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being

    Web site:

    Rhinoplasty ? The Most Common Of Nose Jobs

    There is no denying that the nose is a defining feature on the human face. This brings us to the subject of the most common form of rhinoplasty.

    Rhinoplasty ? The Most Common Of Nose Jobs

    Besides liposuction, the cosmetic reformation of the nose, known as rhinoplasty, is a hugely popular cosmetic surgical procedure. Many people, both male and female, are unhappy with the look of their nose. Whether it is an inherited flaw or a crooked nose from an accident, plastic surgeons are able to correct abnormalities in your nose and make you feel better about how it looks. This, of course, translates to more confidence on your part.

    One of the biggest complaints that plastic surgeons hear from patients is not the size of breasts, butts or stomachs, it is the size and appearance of the tip on the nose. Rhinoplasty is the method used to correct the tip. If you feel that the tip of your nose is too round and full, you may think that it detracts from the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty can work to correct this and refine it so that the tip of your nose looks in proportion to the rest of the nose and therefore, to the rest of your face.

    If you have complaints about your nose and rhinoplasty is your choice to correct it, there are different techniques that your plastic surgeon may use. Some doctors choose to use sutures, as they do not require the cutting and removal of any tissue. The tip is literally sewn together to make a skinnier, more refined looking end of the nose. Another technique that your surgeon might use is cephalic resection; where a portion of the cartilage in the tip of the nose is removed to make it smaller and less full looking.

    No surgical procedure is without risk, and that includes the various surgical methods of correcting the tip of your nose. Anesthesia will need to be used in these procedures, and there is the risk of bruising, swelling and infection at the incision site, just as there is with any surgical procedure. Be sure to consult thoroughly with your doctor and surgeon before deciding to have any rhinoplasty procedure done.

    The only way to correct the tip is rhinoplasty. If you feel that the tip of your nose is really off-balance, and you think that a change in your appearance would make you feel better, speak to a board certified plastic surgeon. They will know the best course of treatment for your nose, and if you will be able to get a more aesthetically pleasing look by having rhinoplasty performed.

    Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

    AntiAging Skincare Basics

    To visibly reduce the signs of aging, the first thing to do is to stay out of the sun. It is so sad and ironic that the very thing that lifts our spirits, droops our faces.

    Excessive sun exposure damages the immune system in the skin, destroys both collagen and elastin production and kills some normal skin cells. Heat and cold also damage skin and reduce functionality. The environment contains many chemical agents that react with the skin and create free radicals which in turn react with the compounds in the skin. Fortunately, proper diet and proper hygiene practices can help reduce the visible signs of damage caused by the environment. Eating a well balanced diet of proteins, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and whole wheat grains as well as drinking at least 8 glasses of water will help retard the appearance of aging.

    Many cosmetic companies have developed several lines of products to cater to your specific skincare needs that meet the criteria for the essentials of great skincare. The 6 essential steps to younger-looking skin are:

    1. Cleanse
    2. Exfoliate
    3. Freshen
    4. Moisturize
    5. Protect
    6. Drink plenty of water

    This may seem like an awfully lengthy daily routine. However, I assure you that you can achieve great results and it takes less than 5 minutes twice daily. Look for a streamlined skincare program that delivers dramatic anti-aging benefits when used all together consistently twice daily (morning and night). I suggest finding one brand and sticking to it. Very often a particular brand formalates all of their products to work together. You will experience the best results that way. As always look for a try-before-you-buy service, usually offered by Beauty Consultants and/or a satisfaction guarantee. This will ensure that you will only be purchasing the products that work best with your skin type.

    Start with a cleanser: Look for a gentle exfoliating cleanser for your skin type. Some contain vitamin E (a free radical scavenger) as well as botanical extracts that freshen the skin in one simple step.

    Next is moisturizer: Age-Fighting Moisturizers should absorb quickly, leaving the skin feeling soft and younger-looking.

    Solutions with Sunscreen SPF 15 provide protection from the sun?s rays to help prevent skin damage and premature aging. Some also contain vitamin derivatives A (to help boost the skin?s own ability to produce collagen) and E (free radical scavenger).

    Night Solutions are designed to be used at night to improve skin?s overall texture and firmness. Some also contain vitamin derivatives A, C and E and anti-aging botanicals.

    This is a simple daily routine that will deliver excellent results when followed consistantly. Remember, the one part of your body that is always exposed is your face. Put your best face forward and take proper care of your skin for a smoother, softer, more radiant, younger-looking appearance. When you love the way you look, you have a tendency to feel great too! And it will show in every aspect of your life!

    Have a great day!

    Dawn Hull
    Professional Skin Care Consultant

    Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register:

    Scrub Away The Years Naturally!

    When we are young, our body naturally sheds and renews skins cells. This gives teenage girls a natural glow that cannot be created by even the most expensive make-up. As we age, our skin cells don?t renew themselves as quickly and exfoliation becomes essential.

    Exfoliation is actually the scrubbing away of dead skin cells. It is the true key to keeping your skin youthful. When dead skill cells stay too long on the surface of your skin four very bad things happen:

    1.The dead skin cells block moisture from penetrating your skin
    2.Your skin gets a dry and dull appearance ? even pasty at times
    3.The dead skin cells can clog your pores and result in breakouts

    And worst of all,

    4.The dead skin cells on the surface actually slow down the renewal and regeneration of new skin cells underneath the surface skin layer.

    Proper skin exfoliation can increase the renewal of fresher, younger looking skin cells by as much as 30%!

    Our creator designed the body to automatically heal and renew itself. So, when you scrub away dead skin cells, your body is triggered to replace those cells with new cells. In Psalm 139, David says: ?I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!?.

    When your body makes new skin cells, it is also signaled to produce more collagen. Collagen is the connective tissue that plumps our skin. If you read any beauty magazine you will see many products claiming to replace loss collagen in your skin. This is important because collagen loss is the main reason our skin becomes drier and more wrinkled as we age.

    To give you a feel for the difference collagen makes, take a look at the average man your age. Chances are his skin is a lot less wrinkled than yours. That is because men have roughly twenty five percent more collagen in their skin than women.

    So now you know, exfoliating removes dead skin cells, causes your body to produce fresh new skin cells and collagen which is absolutely necessary for younger looking skin. But, there is more!

    ?Exfoliating opens up skin pores that are blocked by exposure to air pollution, air conditioning, dirt and grime from our fingertips. This gives you smaller skin pores and the appearance of more refined and even toned skin.

    ?When you exfoliate you also increase blood circulation to your face. Increasing the blood supply to your face is absolutely essential to prevent aging skin!

    ?Exfoliation removes the debris that blocks moisture from penetrating into the skin. So, after exfoliation, your skin will absorb more nutrients and moisture, your skin will appear clearer and fine lines will look softer. Very fine lines may actually disappear.

    After I discovered the great benefits of exfoliating, I only had one question?

    How do I exfoliate and how often can I exfoliate?

    The way to exfoliate varies depending of the condition of your skin and your skin type. Washing vigorously is actually enough for some people. Others will need to exfoliate ? gently.

    Younger women can exfoliate up to four times per week. After forty, I suggest once a week if your skin is still oily. If you have dry or sensitive skin, once every two to three weeks is best. And don?t forget ? when you exfoliate always think gentle.

    Believe it or not, simple table sugar is one of the best exfoliates. It has fine grains for the gentlest removal of dead skin cells and is non-drying. Most importantly, sugar rinses completely away leaving your skin clean, smooth and rejuvenated. I recommend all natural organic sugar. You can find it these days at most grocery stores. It is chemical free and safe to use on your entire body. Here is all you need to do:

    1.Always start with a clean face
    2.Put a couple of tablespoons of water in your hand and mix it with a bit of your favorite mild liquid soap
    3.Lightly wet your face, and put about a teaspoon of sugar in the palm of your hand
    4.Dip the two middle fingers of your other hand (not the index finger) into the mix
    5.Use a gentle, gliding circular motion over your entire face, neck and eye zone
    6.Rinse well and pat dry
    7.Look at your face, it should look rosy but not irritated

    Note: Always rub your face in an upward motion. This will help to reposition fat deposits higher on your face giving it a ?lift? in appearance!

    To wake up and nourish a really dull completion you can use a combination of raw oats and essential oil. This next exfoliating scrub is just as natural, healthy and effective as the sugar scrub.

    Natural exfoliating scrub with essential oil

    ?Take 2 - 3 teaspoons raw oats (not the instant or pre-cooked type) and crush into smaller bits either by hand or in a grinder.

    ?Mix the dry oats with pure honey and 1/4 teaspoon of a red or apple cider vinegar until it forms a smooth paste. Add more honey as needed.

    ?Add 1 drop of basil oil to the mixture.

    ?Wash your face with a gentle soap (never use a deodorant soap or alkaline soap on your face).

    ?Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.

    ?Apply the mixture in gentle circular movements. Avoid the area around your eye. You should leave the mixture on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off thoroughly with lukewarm water.

    Although this treatment is not as neat as the sugar/lather treatment, the results are excellent and it costs only pennies to make.

    If you have special problems like blackheads on your face, this next exfoliate is very effective.

    Baking Soda Blackhead Remover

    ?Make up a mixture of ? part baking soda and ? part distilled water in the palm of your hand.

    ?Gently rub the mixture in circular motions on your skin for about 3 minutes

    ?Rinse with lukewarm water.

    If you are a fan of the self-tan you can get really great results by giving yourself a facial and body scrub with baking soda!

    This is gentle enough for even daily use.

    Your freshly scrubbed face will absorb moisture and nutrients far better. You will look younger and face the world with a beautiful clean canvas!

    Linda Gaston is an advocate for natural beauty solutions for the mature Christian Woman. She has written a book Born Again Beautiful that provides all natural solutions for beautiful hair, skin and body for the woman over forty. To learn more visit

    Hurricane Hairdo and Beauty Considerations

    Most meteorologists and weather predictions are stating now that the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season will be one of the largest on record and that means it will be a bad hair day. You need to consider a new hurricane hairdo to maintain your image during the hurricane season.

    You can expect very hot and high winds from tropical storms, tropical depressions and of course the small and large category hurricanes. Even if you evacuate during mandatory evacuation; you may still experience high winds up to 1000 miles away from where the hurricane actually makes landfall and you may not have time to keep brushing your hair every five minutes or more and keep it perfect. Therefore you must maintain a hairstyle, which is conducive to very high and hot winds so that your hair falls back into place effortlessly. This is why the hurricane hairdos and other beauty considerations are among the top priorities for women during the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season.

    If you're planning your evacuation procedure and necessary supplies away from the hurricane area of the potential landfall strike then you'll need to take certain makeup with you and you should be advised that you may lose sleep and even stay in your car overnight because many of the hotel rooms will be filled.

    You'll need a simple haircut to prevent you from having a bad hurricane hair day and you will need to take simple beauty aids to freshen yourself up without being able to take a shower. Hurricanes are serious business and therefore you need to take your hairdo and beauty supplies serious. Consider always the 2006.

    Lance Winslow

    Future Skin Rejuvenation Techniques

    The best way to rejuvenate skin is by exercising. When you exercise, your skin breathes and the sweat that is released cleanses the pores of the skin. This is the reason why people have glowing skin after exercising. There are a lot of skin creams, lotions etc that are in the market which assist in keeping the skin clean and fresh.

    Most people nearly have 5 pounds of dead skin, normally. If they can shed these 5 pounds within a short duration, then it would really be good. But most of them are trapped with their busy schedules and are unable to spare any time for the workout sessions. Hence a new device has been introduced that assists in removing the dead skin from the body using a vacuum system.

    Other products that are good for the skin are face packs, face scrubs etc. A lot of research is being done by a lot of companies to assist people in having great skin. So in future, you will find a lot of new products, new lotions, new creams, new scrubs etc that would help you in removing dead skin and make the skin glow. These products are manufactured keeping the skin texture in mind as people have different skin textures.

    Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

    You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

    Little Changes that Can Make a Big Difference

    Dietary Changes

    Your body requires certain nutrients to rebuild itself. It requires certain enzymes, vitamins and minerals to ensure that the rebuilding process is done properly. There are a few small steps you can take immediately to improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. Skin repairs itself at a pretty rapid pace, so you can expect to see improvements within a month of adding the following to your diet:

    ? Vitamin/Mineral Supplement: Begin immediately by adding a good multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement to your daily diet.

    ? Antioxidants: Add an antioxidant supplement (A, E, C, selenium or equivalent).

    ? Oils: Replace your salad oil with olive oil immediately, and change your cooking oil to coconut oil. (Polyunsaturated fats like canola and soybean oil commonly used today oxidize at a lower temperature ? this means that they throw off free radicals at body temperature, which cause cellular damage and accelerate aging.)

    ? Vegetables: If you aren?t already, add at least one very large serving of dark leafy green vegetables, one serving of yellow vegetables and one of dark red vegetables per day. This will add important enzymes, phytonutrients, minerals and fiber. The easiest way to do this is to insist on one large salad of romaine and RIPE tomato with carrots to nibble on the side ? and don?t forget to use olive oil for dressing. A squeeze of lemon goes nicely with this, and the combination of olive oil and lemon helps balance liver enzyme function as well.

    ? Eggs: Protein is vital to cellular regeneration. Although carbohydrates can give you energy, and in the long run your body can use vegetable proteins to synthesize human proteins, only eggs contain every single amino acid necessary to rebuild human cells. Unless you are allergic, add one or two eggs to your menu every day. You can hard boil and chop it over that salad.

    ? Yogurt: In addition to the protein it adds, yogurt also adds calcium and important digestive enzymes to your diet. Add at least one serving of live-culture yogurt daily. It?s cheap, it tastes good and it?s good for you ? what more can you ask for? Full fat yogurt is preferable, since the low-fat kind is usually filled with food starch for texture and adds empty calories. Avoid the kind with lots of added sugar if you can, since sugar has little to no real long-term nutritional value.


    Your body requires adequate water to move nutrients and enzymes throughout the body. One of the first habits you need to develop is drinking at least a 32 to 64 ounces of clean water daily.


    Although it?s hard to find, adequate sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your appearance. You body spends most of your sleeping hours regenerating itself, rebuilding cells, balancing hormone levels and brain chemicals. Adequate sleep will not only help you look good, it will help you feel good as well. Neurochemicals that control mood and pain levels are produced during sleep, which is why so many chronic pain patients are found to have an underlying sleep disorder. So, even if you are not the raving beauty you wished you were, proper mood can lead to proper perspective, and at least it won?t bother you as much. There is, of course, no such thing as perfect, and there?s nothing like a good night sleep to put those nagging doubts and insecurities into perspective.

    ? Adequate Sleep: Make a habit of getting enough sleep. Most experts claim seven to nine hours per day is the required amount. Some experts say that setting the total amount of sleep to coincide with the natural 90 minutes per sleep cycles is best. This would mean either 7.5 or 9 hours of sleep per night. Five cycles would mean 7.5 hours, six cycles would be nine hours of sleep. Try experimenting with setting your clock for either 7.5 OR 9 hours, depending on your schedule, so that you can complete each and every sleep cycle naturally. On the other hand, if you find that 8 hours or 8.5 hours is what makes you feel best, by all means, do what works for you.

    ? Napping: Make a habit of grabbing naps. Humans were meant to take naps. That?s why those of us who are permitted to live according to our normal biological cycle (babies, small children and the elderly) take naps. Humans are designed to nap during the afternoon. Current studies show a natural rise and fall of hormones that indicate a programmed ?nap? time in the afternoon. That famous mid-afternoon slump isn?t just lack of sleep at night, or a heavy lunch, or stress or overwork ? it?s your instincts kicking in and telling you to take a few hours of down-time. Take a nap during the weekend if you can. Instead of sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday, get up at your normal time and then take a two hour nap in the early afternoon. Your body will thank you. And hey, if all you end up doing is resting in a cool room with your eyes closed and clearing your mind, that?ll help too.

    Fawn Bales has studied and practiced alternative and herbal medine for 25 years. She has also studied aesthetic technology and cosmetology. She is the co-author of two natural beauty books and is a managing partner of Botanical Beauty Lab, a women's free resource for natural health and beauty information.

    Skin Care Body Rhythms and Sleep

    Most of us are all too familiar with that ?dreaded? internal clock that wakes us at 7:00 AM on the weekend, despite our desire to sleep in. We fail to appreciate that this internal clock is part of a natural body rhythm that can dramatically impact our skin.

    Scientific studies have revealed that our skin?s biological functions follow ?circadian cycles? which vary over the course of a 24 hour period. In the skin?s biological clock, epidermal cell renewal and the permeability of the skin are both highest during the night.

    The trick to good skincare is taking advantage of this knowledge and utilizing it to enhance our skin?s health. Because the permeability of the skin is higher at night, more water loss naturally occurs at night. Consequently, a moisturizer that offers greater skin permeability and prevents water loss, should be applied before bedtime, to ensure moist, hydrated skin.

    To provide the greatest effectiveness, a moisturizer should meet two tests. First, it should contain certain natural ingredients that have been specially formulated to be easily accepted by the skin. Green tea compounds, for example, are a must for today?s moisture creams, as these compounds are seen by many scientists as skin cell rejuvenators.

    Secondly, moisture cream should contain the latest silicone technology. Silicone molecules in a moisture cream provide a more even coverage than the molecules in hydrocarbon-based moisturizers by forming a sheet of hydration over the skin.

    We sleep for approximately one-third of our lives, so let?s make our sleep useful by developing good sleep habits and utilizing products that rebuild skin while we sleep. With ingredients that are formulated to work on a sub-cellular level and provide extra hydration to your skin, you?ll be working with your skin?s natural rhythms.

    Copyright 2005 Alpha Ward-Burns

    Alpha Ward-Burns is a cancer survivor and co-founder of Skin Solved, a skincare company devoted to achieving healthy skin through the use of scientifically advanced skincare with natural ingredients. You may contact Alpha at

    Homemade Beauty Recipes

    Do you want to look stunning with out wasting too much money? If your answer is yes, then you should read this tips. They have past on from generations to generations. The best part of it, is that you may already have the ingredients at home!

    Get rid of blemishes
    Apply toothpaste to the required area, Leave on overnight.

    Dried or chapped skin
    Apply petroleum jelly (vaseline) affected area.

    Falling hair
    Pour cinnamon in to 12 or more ounces of water, let it boil for 5-10 minutes. After it cools down, apply to hair scalp for 10 -15 minutes. Then shampoo and rinse as usual.

    Hot oil treatment
    Heat any vegetable oil (do not over heat). Apply to hair cover with shower cap and leave on for 10-20 minutes.

    Mix oatmeal and honey, apply to skin. Massage skin for 5-7 minutes then rinse off with warm water.

    About The Author

    Kenia Morales is the owner and publisher of online magazine For Every Aspect Of Today's Woman. To find more beauty tips and other women related issues and topics visit her site at

    Japanese Hair Straightening Is It Right for You?

    Japanese Hair Straightening, also known as Thermal Reconditioning, is one very popular hair straightening technique you just might want to think twice about before having done.

    Originating in Japan in the late 90?s the chemical products used in the process go by the names Liscio, Yuko and U.S. made Bio Ionics.

    The treatment can take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours and involves numerous steps with costs ranging from $300 to $1,500 depending on the salon.

    A cheaper price should raise some red flags as to the quality of the chemicals used or the expertise of the stylist according to the experts.

    The result is permanently straight hair but after 4 to 6 months any new hair growth will need to be treated as well. This usually costs close to the same amount as the original treatment because it is a more time-consuming process involving straightening hair closer to the roots.

    Because of the chemicals and techniques used you will not be able to curl the treated hair so you definitely want to take that into consideration beforehand.

    There is also a growing concern from some stylists that thermal reconditioning may not be the perfect hair straightening solution after all.

    First off, experts estimate that at least 80 percent of people that are having the treatment are not really good reconditioning candidates for several reasons:

    Any recent chemical processes done to your hair such as hair coloring, bleaching or hair relaxing can cause serious problems including hair loss and breakage if you elect to have the treatment done. A hair strand test must be done first to determine whether your hair can accept the chemicals. If the salon does not offer a strand test you might want to reconsider who you trust your hair to.

    It does not work on African hair because it is too fragile and can?t take the heat required during the straightening process. It is not the same as a hair relaxer which is made especially for African hair.

    In fact, a growing number of women are claiming serious hair breakage problems and it has been reported in the press that one of the top Hollywood celebrity hair stylists refuses to perform the treatment because she thinks it is too much of a risk to her client?s hair.

    Many women are led to believe that the process is actually good for your hair but there have been no clinical studies to prove this and by definition anything that physically alters the hair structure at the molecular level is damaging.

    Even though many women have had the Japanese Hair Straightening process done to their hair with great success you should know that there can be some risk involved and if you decide to have it done to your hair be sure you use a reputable salon with properly trained stylists that will test your hair first.

    For alternatives to permanent hair straightening please visit us at: We specialize in information about sedu hair straightener products that offer great temporary hair straightening results.

    Look Years Younger In Minutes

    Now whether you are just beginning to notice your first few lines or you are experiencing more advance signs of aging you can painlessly and safely achieve a healthier, youthful, wrinkle free beauty in minutes with these simple professional techniques used by the world?s top makeup artists.

    Lift a Sagging Jaw line ? After applying your foundation apply a very thin line of highlighter from ear to ear along the top of your jawbone. Blend thoroughly. Next apply a thin line of contour cream or shadow on the bottom and the underneath area of your jawbone. Blend thoroughly.

    Make Wrinkles & Lines Disappear ? Before applying foundation use a Q- Tip or very thin makeup brush to apply a professional line filler product or highlighter inside the creases of your lines and wrinkles. Using the thin end of your makeup sponge or a clean Q-Tip gently blend.

    Perform An Instance Face Lift ? A well groomed medium width brow with a strong arch will visual lift your face instantly. To create a well groomed brow with a strong arch pluck clean the area underneath the brow bone and shape the brow with widest part of the brow at the inner corner of your eye and the brow getting thinner has it goes out toward your temple. The highest part of the arch should be just above the outer edge of your pupil.

    Create Fuller Younger Lips ? After covering the lip area with foundation and your lips with a lip cream or balm take a lip liner the same shade or a shade slightly lighter then your lipstick and line just outside your lips natural lip line . Apply your lipstick with a lip brush blending lipstick to lip liner. Place a dab of pale light color lip gloss in the center of your top and bottom lips.

    Give Your Eyes A Quick Lift ? Applying eyeliner has close to lashes as possible line eyes from where the inner corner( tear duct ) of your eyes end to slightly pass the outer corner of your eyes. Has you get to the outer corner of your eye slightly tilt line upward to create a slight slant. This technique works whether you line just your upper lids or both your upper and bottom lids. Curl your lash with an eyelash curler before applying mascara.

    Eileen Hammel President of Smarter Image, and Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert.

    Top Ten Tips for Beautiful Skin

    Is Beauty Skin Deep?

    The answer is yes and no. It?s a paradox, isn?t it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don?t you wish there was some way to ?wriggle your nose? and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true ?Fountain of Youth? we are stuck with what we have.

    The best route to healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn?t it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day. Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:

    1. Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water! That doesn?t mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

    2. Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn?t bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don?t leave home without it!

    3. Apply your sun screen even if you only make a quick trip to the grocery store. Yes, you can get harmful UV rays even while driving your car!

    4. Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

    5. Exfoliate dead skin cells every night.

    6. Create your own facial masks. Here are a couple of excellent masks that you can create with ingredients right from your kitchen: Oatmeal mask: Mix oatmeal with skim milk and apply. Eggs: A raw egg yolk makes an excellent face mask. Try adding a little honey to the egg yolk for a change of pace. Mayonnaise makes another terrific face mask and will leave your skin feeling very soft

    7. Use an antioxidant cream. You are bombarded every day with environmental toxins that attack the surface of your skin. In fact most damage to the skin can be attributed to free radicals. When you expose yourself to toxins like air pollution free radical production increases. Apply an antioxidant cream to your skin before applying your sun screen.

    8. The best cure for wrinkles is to never have them in the first place! If you are like most of us, you didn?t listen to your Mum when she tried to tell you to stay in the shade, stand up straight and stop squinting!

    9. Stop shaving your legs and use hot wax. Much gentler on your skin.

    10. Mix up a tablespoon of brandy along with a smashed up peach and apply to your face for twenty minutes then rinse. Makes for a great summer facial.

    Simon is webmaster and editor of If you enjoyed this article, visit for more great health and beauty information.

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    Male Plastic Surgery: Happening More and More

    In this modern society, beauty and looks are valued an awful lot. As a result, men from all walks of life desire plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons. Men typically crave for a perfect nose, a slender waistline, a rejuvenated face, and normal-shaped ears. The key intent is to attain an enhanced look, which in turn instills a sense of confidence and self-esteem. Perfect features, acquired after cosmetic surgery, do widen a man?s social horizon and certainly help him in wooing pretty women.

    Men may also opt for plastic surgery to defy signs of aging. Wrinkles, facial marks and blemishes, unwanted hair growth, all can be effectively erased through plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has always been the primary choice for women when it comes to personal enhancement. However, with increasing awareness about the surgery prospects, more men are lining up for plastic surgery procedures than ever before. In the present scenario, it would not be surprising if a man comes up with a request for a facial plastic surgery so as to acquire the looks of his favorite Hollywood actor.

    Men?s facial cosmetic surgery poses greater problems than womens. This is because male facial skin has a richer blood supply. And since male faces bleed more during surgery, there is a possible risk of temporary pooling of blood under the skin, after surgery. Other factors that need to be considered for male facelift are the extent of beard growth and the hairline. Though advanced equipment is capable of averting any danger or risks, male cosmetic surgery is certainly more complex than the female counterpart.

    Other cosmetic surgery procedures, including eyelid surgery, nose surgery, liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and ear reshaping, are performed in much the same way for men and women. Plastic surgery provides a boost for men in their business life as well as love life. There is simply no reason why men would shun plastic surgery.

    Nicola publishes an informational site about liposuction surgery, with articles and news, tips and views to help you make the correct choice about Male Liposuction Surgery at

    This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact. All rights reserved. Copyright

    Hand and Nail Care: Do's and Do Not's for Healthy Hands

    Having healthy and beautiful hands and nails is not that difficult especially if you know these simple do and don?t tips:


    # Wear rubber gloves lined with cotton when your hands are in contact with harsh soaps, detergents or chemicals;

    # Wear gloves when doing work that might damage the hands or nails, such as gardening or shovelling snow;

    # After washing your hands, pat dry and, while moist, use a moisturizer on the hands, cuticles and nails.Chemically enhanced moisturizers that contain urea of lactic acid are even more efficient in binding water to the skin (Uremol, Calmurid, Lachydrin, Lacticare); If your hands must be in and out of water frequently apply a silicone or a similarly based protectant film that sheds water over the hands and nails (Prevex, Atrixo, Barriere Cream); If nails darken despite good cleansing habits, a drop of lemon oil massaged twice weekly into the nail plate may work but must not be overdone or irritation of the surrounding skin and drying of the nail plate may occur;

    # Nail polish protects the nail from stains, physical trauma, and acts as a barrier to chemicals. Use it but don`t overuse it or it may stain and dry nails, particularly if nail polish hardeners are used frequently. A base coat will allow your polish to last longer; If your nails are dry, soak them for 10 minutes twice daily in warm water, pat dry and immediately apply one of the chemically enhanced moisturizers that contain urea, lactic acid or glycerin oil;

    # Sculpt and shape your nails by filling in one direction with a very fine file. Avoid vigorous up and down or back and forth motions which may tear apart the various layers of the nails. Avoid sharp angles. Attend to small cracks, snags and breaks immediately; Treat yourself to a weekly manicure if possible; it is relaxing and keeps the nails healthy looking and attractive. Do not forget your toenails;

    # As they age, the nails thicken, grow more slowly, repair poorly and are susceptible to various skin diseases. Watch for changes and see your dermatologist early enough to treat problems.

    Do Not?s

    # Avoid digging blindly into a drawer or purse where a sharp object may crack or break the nail or harm the delicate skin around the nail;

    # Avoid using the nals to do pick-up tasks. Use the soft ends of the fingers rather that the fragile nail. they will soon chip and break if used this way;

    # Avoid gluing on false or molded nails; allergic and painful reactions may occur. ?Mending paper? or tea-bag paper can be used to bridge large cracks;

    # Do not reapply nail hardener or polish more often than necessary; these agents can discolor nails and make them brittle if overused. Try to repair your manicure rather than replace it. Avoid chipping and peeling off nail polish;

    # Do not bother adding gelatin and calcium supplements to an otherwise well-balanced diet. They have no know positive effects on the nails despite certain claims;

    # Do not use too much polish remover. Apply moisturizer after using nail polish remover in order minimize the irritating and drying cation of the acetone;

    # Do not grow excessively long nails; they are too prone to breakage; Wrapping nails is laborious and is difficult to do without help. Avoid this technique unless your nails are particularly prone to breaking;

    # Do not push back your cuticles too vigorously or you will harm the growing moon of the nail.Push them back only when the skin around the nails is warms and wet and therefore softer and easier to manipulate;

    # Avoid applying sharp instruments under the nails. They might break the nail to skin bond;

    # Do not ignore nails that separate from beds (it may be due to iron or thyroid deficiency), nails that thicken (it may be fungus infection) or pit (it may be psoriasis. See your doctor. The nail and skin reflect internal well being or disturbance.

    Women's Blog - All Women's Talk
    Hand and Nail Care
    Hand Care Tips and Recipes

    Body Hair Removal Techniques: What Options Are There?

    Is there a way to remove body hair from the entire body? Today, many people are looking at ways to effectively remove the hair that is growing from every part of the body, from the face and neck all the way down to the toes. Is it safe to do this? Yes, in most cases, body hair can be removed without any problems what so ever. And, it can be quite successful as well. While you may need to call in a professional to help you, chances are there is a way to get rid of the hair on your body.

    A Costly, But Good Option

    One of the most effective ways of removing hair from the body in a permanent fashion is through laser hair removal. This can be done rather easily, actually. If you can afford to have it done, you should. It is able to remove hair faster than, say electrolysis because it can deal with several hair folicles at once, rather than each individually. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment that will work for most areas of the body including the arms and legs, the chest and the back.

    But, it will cost you. Laser hair removal, as effective as it is, costs several thousands of dollars. And, it will take several treatments before the entire area will be completed. In some cases, hairs will re-grow and will need additional attention.

    Less Permanent, Less Costly

    Another method of hair removal is through waxing. Yes, it is less expensive, but it is also not permanent. And, it can hurt a bit too. To work, a layer of wax is placed onto the skin where the hair to be removed is located. Then, when the wax hardens just enough, it is quickly pulled away. The hair is removed, down to the root. You can do this at home, but it can be faster, more effective as well as offer better results when done professionally. The hair will re-grow, but it will take several weeks for it to do so. Waxing can be painful, but usually only for a few seconds and it is quite effective at removing hair from the follicle.

    So, which is the best option for you? If you can afford to go with a laser treatment, it will work better for you in the long run. If you can handle a few painful seconds and a lower cost, waxing is a great hair removal method.

    There are many online resources that can help you with information about hair removal.

    As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about body hair removal.

    Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

    Be Good To Your Health and Your Health Will Be Good To You

    Are you working to much? You could be one of 50 million Americans taking work related health risks.

    This is especially true for solo entrepreneurs, who must wear many hats.

    Friends say you look great! And you feel like superman or wonder woman. But how healthy are you really?

    Hidden risks such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and prostrate cancer can occur without warnings.

    Doctors say, those who feel healthy will most likely not get regular checkups.

    Long range health risks don't discriminate by age, race or lifestyle. Your health is akin to your car, neglect oil changes or tune ups and you`re hitch hiking.

    What are your options?

    1. Regular checkups

    2. A healthy food diet

    3. Adequate sleep/rest habits

    4. Exercise

    Self-health maintenance of body, mind and spirit are all wellness advantages.

    Robert Wardrick is co-host of Sidebars for the everyday woman, sidelights you won't find on Dr, Phil or Oprah.

    It's A Shame For You Not To Reduce The Appearance of Existing Signs Of Aging And Help Prevent ...

    Countless people are now using an anti-aging complex that works to help reduce the appearance of existing signs of aging and to help prevent the appearance of new lines and wrinkles in the future. The product they use has an extraordinary, marine-source formulation that is free of alpha-hydroxy acids, yet effectively evens skin tone and retextures, refines, brightens, and firms the skin's surface.

    New pharmaceutical nutrients supply enzymes that amplify the body's natural process of rejuvenating the skin after sun exposure. Photosomes are fast-acting, light-activated enzymes, while ultrasomes are the slower acting enzymes that work without light. Pharmaceutical nutrients help speed cell renewal in sun-damaged skin to revitalize it from within.

    A powerful oxidative-defense complex that is rich with vital nutrients provides optimal nutrition for hair and skin cells. Concentrated whole-grape extract, rice-derived gamma oryzanol, and green tea are powerful antioxidants that keep skin and hair strong, while vitamin E and tocopherols soothe and nourish to maintain the integrity of the skin's lipids. This breakthrough, topical-flavonoid complex is your first line of defense for beautiful, healthy hair and skin.

    The crucial role that vitamin C plays in cell health and collagen synthesis has been known for decades. A revolutionary formulation of water-soluble and lipid-soluble forms of vitamin C that counteract the harsh effects of the environment on the hair and skin's appearance and provide essential antioxidants. Proline and glycine, highly effective amino acids that draw in moisture, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Smoother, brighter hair and skin can be yours with this powerful beauty therapy.

    Essential fatty acids are a basic building block for healthy skin and hair. Use pharmaceutical products that provide important polyunsaturated fatty acids to support smooth, hydrated skin and soft, manageable hair. Fiber is an important element in maintaining healthy skin because it helps maintain overall body health. Use a great-tasting, low-glycemic drink mix that provides more than twice the amount of fiber.

    Parabens preservatives seem to be in everything we touch, taste, or use. They are commonly found in salad dressings, sunscreens, topical dermatological medications, toothpastes, and other products. And they cause more damage than good. Are you using parabens and don?t know it? Do you have allergic reaction to these parabens preservatives? Contact me for a free health assessment.


    PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required. Mail to:

    Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: ... helping you maximize your potential. He offers a free health survey at; free state tourism guides at; travel updates at Reach him at or at 502-386-1175.

    Anorexia Nervosa An Eating Disorder!

    Anorexia can be termed or also mean as person who has lost his/her appetite. It can be seen as a form of disease which is very harmful posing a threat to your life. This is a voluntary starving process wherein people kill their desire to eat and end up starving oneself. There are many components which makes this disease complex such as psychological, sociological and physiological. The weight loss doesn?t happen very rapidly but it is a very slow process and looks like any other weight reducing programme in the beginning. But it is after some months you realize the effect it has taken upon your health.

    This affects the personality of the person drastically and the outgoing and extrovert person becomes very introvert and subdued. The level of concentration starts depleting too which proves to be big problem for many young people who are the major victims in this disease. The inability to maintain 15 percent of an individual?s normal weight is one of the very serious matters which have to be handled very delicately. Due to starving process there are repeated practices of binge eating and vomiting. Fear plays a very important part, as it the fear of putting on weight, that they discard the idea of being hungry which can also be said as killing yourself gradually and slowly.

    The shrinking body is the number one sign you would see in all the people suffering from anorexia. The minimal body weight of the person is also not maintained which makes it very risky for the person. Body doesn?t get enough supplements in the form of vitamins or proteins due to which the nail and hair becomes brittle and the skin without any source of energy turns yellow and pale. In such kind of health, psychologically the person is traumatized, and depression starts kicking in. Due to the shrinking body there is drop in the body temperature which makes the person more vulnerable to cold. Even with the body remaining 1/4 of its size the person suffering with this disorder find themselves to be fat, which can be maintained as a psychological barrier.

    The people who are mostly affected with anorexia are mostly girls or women of very young age. The portrayal of abnormally thin women in advertisements and movies as embodiments of beauty has made young women and teenaged girls want to be like them. This alone cannot be considered as the factor determining the anorexic patients. Other factors like eating disorders, genetics, environment, personalities and bio-chemistry. For many anorexia starts off for activities like dance, sports which require a certain body structure. Such kind of disorders also run in families and girls find themselves at a higher risk of getting affected by this disease.

    Treatment for such a disease is reversible. Once it is diagnosed the treatment should begin immediately. Most of these cases if detected early, the success rate is good too. Once detected most of these patients are admitted in the hospital and treated accordingly. There is a weight gain program and it takes time depending upon the individual. A set target for food intake per week is assigned which accordingly is increased so as to get the person back on his/her feet, literally. There are different kind of therapies such as normal, group, individual and family. There is lot of emotional baggage for many people who suffer from anorexia and those feeling have to be dealt with, by some psychological sessions or other therapies.

    Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on this would help in knowing anorexia and how to fight it out.

    Nail Care Secrets

    Manicures, pedicures, artificial tips, paraffin treatments, nail jewelry - the nail care industry is booming, with nail salons seemingly on every corner.

    Why is this, do you suppose? There was a time when only the wealthy had regular manicures, but now it's commonplace. Whether you go to a salon weekly, or choose to buff and polish your nails at home, it's important to take care of your fingertips.

    Take a look at your hands. What do they say about you? Think about what they say to others. Are your hands rough, red, irritated? Or, are they smooth and pampered?

    Are your cuticles ragged? Or have you cut or pushed them back? Hot pink, French tips, or clear-coated, it's not the color you wear that matters. What really matters is the condition of your hands and nails, and you can improve the state of your nails by taking a few simple steps.

    Protect your nails

    Wear gloves when washing the dishes or the kitchen floor. Do not use your nails as tools. They aren't meant to scrape the price stickers off your new picture frame. Be sure to apply sunscreen all the way down to the tips of your nails. Sun damage affects nails, too.

    Moisturize your nails regularly

    Every time you wash your hands, you need to moisturize your hands. Keep hand cream in your purse. Have a bottle in each bathroom of your home and one at the kitchen sink.

    Nails need to breath

    Every so often, leave the polish out of your manicure routine. Let your nails get a little oxygen.

    Do not use nail products containing formaldehyde

    It?s not used in biology class anymore. Don?t use it on your nails, it?s not safe.

    Gelatin really does work

    You thought it was a myth when you heard it as a teenager, but it?s true. Eating gelatin helps your nails grow strong and healthy.


    Water, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein from meats and fish, and vitamins (multi and E, in particular) all stimulate nail growth.

    Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize

    Keep your home manicure kit clean. At the salon, purchase a set from the nail technician. The salon will label it, store it, and use it just for you.

    They?re inexpensive and essential to protecting yourself from fungus and communicable infections. Don?t be shy, be sure your manicurist knows that you take cleanliness seriously.


    Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the author of an amazing new course, Hollywood Makeup Secrets a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison, and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:

    (c)2005 All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------

    Taking Photos While You're Protecting Your Skin

    If you're a shutterbug like me, and you enjoy taking photos outdoors, you will often find yourself in direct sunlight.

    Other than protecting yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, and by applying sunscreen every two hours, there is one more thing you can do. And it's good for your photos and you--

    Take pictures in early morning or late afternoon when the sunlight, including UV light, is less intense.

    When the sun intensity peaks around noon, and you shoot some pictures, you're likely to see harsh dark shadows and very bright highlights. These translate into light and dark areas in your photos and an absence of detail.

    The worst possible lighting for people portraits is direct sunlight at high noon, says the editors of Photographic Magazine in Complete Idiot's Guide to Photography Like a Pro.

    Besides, if your subject is facing the sun, he or she will undoubtedly be squinting, and the direct sunlight can accentuate wrinkles. On the other hand, if you shoot toward the sun, your subject in your photos may be too dark if you focus on bright areas or too light if you focus on dark areas.

    The camera compensates for high contrast between light and dark by underexposing or overexposing the film in an attempt to achieve balance between the light and the dark areas.

    But one solution is to use flash-fill or reflective (card) fill to reduce the contrast of your subject's face, as well as to remove unattractive, deep shadows.

    Otherwise, take your photos in the morning before 10 a.m. or wait until later in the day after 4 p.m., when sunlight is less intense and you're less likely to get a sunburn and skin damage.

    In the early morning and late afternoon, sunlight has to pass through more atmosphere. Consequently, the blue light is scattered, leaving longer wavelengths, such as red and orange, which are not as easily scattered.

    When the sun is low in the sky, you'll be able to capture catch lights in your subjects' eyes as they look toward the direction of the sun. There will be more ambient (scattered) light and less contrast between light and dark.

    The result will be more facial detail. And take your people portraits from different camera angles and at different times, from early to mid-morning and then from late afternoon until sunset. Experiment.

    However, please don't look through your camera at the sun, nor should your model look directly at the sun.

    About The Author

    Diana Clarke is a teacher, photographer and freelance writer.;

    Makeup Tips to Turn the Ugly Duckling into a Swan

    Not everybody looks like Helen of Troy. If Mother Nature happened to be harsh on you concerning looks, you can score over her with some easy to practice makeup tips. It is guaranteed that these makeup tips will turn even a plain Jane into a woman of rare and exquisite beauty.

    There are makeup tips for every beauty problem. With makeup, you can draw attention to your most beautiful feature or downplay a not particularly appealing one or even hide a scar or blemish.

    Every makeup tip is unanimous on one point and that is a good skin foundation. It is essential for that ?oh-so-glamorous? porcelain smooth look. A foundation also gives protection to the delicate facial skin from harmful weather forces and pollution. In conjunction with a moisturizer, it prevents the skin from ageing.

    The key to sparkling eyes, as every eye makeup tip will swear by, is light colored eye shadows like brown, mauve, vanilla or beige. You can play in the subtle undertones of the skin and opt for colors like gold, olive, pale purple and gray.

    The adventurous at heart can try out bronze, tan or any other shinning translucent eye shadow powder or go in for a layered look by combining two colors. Experimentation is all right, but every make up tip profess one thing, ?don?t go overboard?.

    Mascara is another aspect of eye makeup. In fact, there is nothing like a dash of mascara to dramatize the eyes. For a no makeup look, a brown shade or clear mascara is the best. For a wide-eyed innocent gaze, try curling your eyelashes. But curl before applying the mascara and do not curl your lower lashes for they are apt to fall off.

    A makeup tip is not meant only for highlighting a facial feature. Makeup can be used as a cover for problematic zones too.

    You can make your concealer or foundation stay all day by dusting it with some translucent powder and its good riddance to bad rubbish like pimples, scars and dark circles. For the real obstinate acne, just a dab of concealer, that is one shade lighter than the foundation, bordering on the green or yellow tone is ideal.

    For a large nose, light colored shoulder-length voluminous hair is the ideal mask.

    There also happens to be a makeup application tip that will help those unhappy with the spacing between their eyes. A medium neutral eye shadow on the inner eyelids with a thick eyeliner stroke bordering the entire length of the eyes will make the eyes appear closer.

    For eyes that are too close for comfort, a good beauty makeup tip is to apply a darker tone in matte finish in upward and outward strokes on both the lids and end in a thick flourishing curve.

    The essence of all makeup tips is to make you, and not the makeup, stand out in a crowd.

    David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental skin care interests. He can be reached at

    Do You Want To Look Ten Years Younger?

    Do you want to look ten years younger?

    Here are twelve beauty tips that are guaranteed to work, if you follow them *all*. There's no point eating fresh fruit and vegetables, and then smoking like a chimney!

    1. Moisturise.

    This is a misnomer, you can't actually put water in your skin. You can, however, oil it up (like leather!), and trap water next to the skin.

    After every wash, put an inert oil on your face. Johnson's Baby Oil is good. Put it especially on your laughter-lines (around the eyes), your forehead, around the mouth and on the neck.

    You don't need expensive ointments; independent studies show these are a con.

    2. Eat Good Food.

    Eat plenty of fruit, fish and vegetables, drink water. A healthy diet makes for a healthy body, and health makes you look younger.

    3. Sleep.


    At least eight hours. A good night's kip will make you look years younger.

    Go to bed before midnight, as early as possible. You've had enough when you bound out of bed in the morning, full of energy. If you don't, you need more, or you're depressed, or you went to bed after midnight.

    Lack of sleep is very ageing. If you don't get enough sleep you look haggard i.e. old. Sleep deprivation is akin to being a zombie; your IQ is less, memory poorer, and your reactions slower. You become more prone to disease.

    4. Don't Smoke.

    Smoking constricts the capillaries in your face. This is why smokers look pale. It ages the skin. It makes your hair lank.

    A smoker is essentially in a constant state of ill-health; weaker immune system, less energy, less stamina. In time smoking can lead to serious disease. It lenghtens recovery time from other diseases. Doctors tend to write-off smokers; they know their work is being wasted.

    Cigarettes contain poisons like formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, and benzene. The reason people crave them is because they also contain nictotine, which is more addictive than heroin. You can kick heroin in five days; nicotine can take weeks.

    5. Don't Drink Alcohol.

    Again, alcohol is a poison. Drunkenness is a mild form of poisoning; hence its alternative name: intoxication.

    I once knew some Australian girls when I first came to in London. They used to 'party hearty'. One of them was very pretty. After 6 months she looked like she'd aged fifteen years; 20 going on 35.

    When I was very young I used to wonder why adults looked so old, tired and fed up. Certainly life has its disappointments, but we help death mark our card early on.

    6. Don't Sunbathe.

    In neolithic times men used to cure animal hides by exposing them to the sun. This was the earliest form of tanning; they were making leather.

    This is what's happening to sunbather's skin. That's why 35 year-old sunbathers look 45, and 45 year-old sunbathers have skin the texture of a leather armchair.

    Sitting in the sun for hours is weak-minded. Look at the great beauties, the older ones. They kept well out of the sun; their skin is milky white. You don't see their sisters in magazines, who, for a season's healthy glow, sacrificed their looks forever.

    7. Don't Dye Or Bleach Your Hair.

    Unless your hair is grey or mousey, leave off putting chemicals on it. If you are healthy, your hair will reflect this. Bleaching is bad for your hair, and you may damage the follicles. If the dye doesn't suit your skin tone, it won't make you look good anyway.

    8. Don't Wear Formal Clothes.

    Dress younger, look younger!

    9. Don't Wear A Beard Or Moustache, Or Long Hair (for men).

    If your hair is thinning and long, or you have a beard or moustache, you'll look older by ten years. Conversely, a short hair-cut and a clean-shaven face takes years off you. Cut off your sideburns; voila! instant youth.

    10. Don't Have Cosmetic Surgery.

    This is a trap. Because a man has M.D. after his name doesn't mean he has the skill of a Michelangelo or Da Vinci. That's what you need to remodel a human face.

    Why? Because our perceptions of human beauty rely on very subtle clues in another's face; small lines, dimples, contours, expressions.

    A cosmetic surgeon cuts these out, and you are left with a mask. You lose some of your personality. You become a type; a Hollywood social x-ray, a waxen-faced thing. Don't do it, girls!

    We are not machines; cut us, take a part out, replace it, and we are never quite the same again.

    11. Don't Over-diet, Over-exercise.

    This makes you look scrawny and haggard. A slightly fleshy face looks younger; the wrinkles fill out a bit.

    A bit of exercise gets the blood flowing, and reminds your muscles they exist. Too much intense exercise (more than two hours a day), a low carbohydrate diet, and you look haggard; worn out, old, under par.

    12. Don't Worry!

    If you have problems, resolve to deal with them, or deliberately avoid them; but decide, and then put them out of your mind. Stress and worry make you haggard, and pre-dispose you to disease. They keep you awake at night, and ruin the quality of your sleep.

    Meditate. Resolve your problems before you go to sleep at night. Observe your thoughts and emotions dispassionately. You may be surprised to find how crazy most are!

    In short, youth is a combination of factors; one cream or regime won't do. Address your entire person, body and mind.

    Here's to your good health!

    T. O' Donnell ( is the author of 'The Black Book Of Power', a free personal development ebook, and lives in London, UK.

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    Acne Rosacea A Blush You Can Do Without

    What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks, forehead and nose.

    In men it can often cause the skin on the nose to thicken and swell, leading toa condition called rhinophyma.

    Nobody know what causes it but the list of potential triggers is endless. The main culprits are alcohol and rich, spicy foods.

    Because its roots are unknown, there's no permanent cure either, so management is the key. This is partly achieved by identifying what makes the rosacea worse through a process of exclusion and by the use of topical antibiotics - usually metronidazole.

    A GP's diagnosis is vital since the symptoms can be similar to more serious conditions such as lupus. Rosacea can last a lifetime, especially in men, but often clears up on its own.

    About The Author

    Alicia Caldelas for

    Find more info about rosacea symptoms, triggers etc. on

    The Gift of Permanent Makeup: The Healing Power of Loving the Way You Look

    Poet, artist and philosopher Kahlil Gibran wrote in his book The Prophet ?Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are the life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.? In these words he speaks of an age-old human struggle we have all faced, the struggle to see our own inherent beauty. Part of the Universal human experience is to learn how to love, appreciate and enjoy the way we look; our faces and our bodies are often judged by others when it is only our own opinion that truly matters. Loving the way you look can be a spiritual and healing experience, it can change the way you move and speak. It transforms the energy you project to others.

    The Vanity Myth

    There are many misconceptions when it comes to the practice of permanent makeup or cosmetic tattooing. It is the same myth that pervades the medical field of cosmetic and plastic surgery. There is a belief in America that if a person engages in procedures such as permanent eyeliner, permanent lipstick or other cosmetic changes that they are driven by vanity or are shallow inside. Although I agree that there is a portion of people who will never be satisfied with their appearance, I do not believe these people are the majority. Most of the clients I see in my practice are men and women who are in the process of learning to love themselves more and through this process they eventually gain more confidence and experience a better quality of life.

    Let Your Natural Beauty Emerge

    There are many reasons to have permanent makeup. Illness, injury and a desire for practicality, efficiency or increased confidence are just a few. All of these motivations have less to do with vanity and more to do with building self-esteem and self-appreciation. Loving yourself is a healing process and I am lucky to work in a field where I can participate in this process with my clientele. I work, not only with their faces but I also connect with their individual energy. I use my artistic eye for color and symmetry to apply the permanent cosmetics, but I also access my intuition in order to see what they see and to understand what they feel needs to change about their appearance.

    A wonderful example of this process is a former client named Becky, a college professor and author. ?I have looked at myself in the mirror each day since you did my eyeliner and I am so happy with what looks back at me, ?Becky states, ?I knew I wanted to have the procedure done for esthetics and got a bonus of enhanced self esteem.? ?Thank you for your artistic, beautiful work that walks around with me everyday, collecting compliments whenever I reveal my secret,? she continues. In the end the goal is to create a look that doesn?t compensate for flaws or imperfections, but enhances what is most beautiful about the person naturally. Natural beauty exists within all people and bringing it to the forefront is the key to a great look. Then each day you look in the mirror to see your best facial features highlighted. This allows you to walk with your head high, to feel more comfortable in your own skin and to move forward in ways you may have avoided n the past.

    Believe in Your Own Beauty

    To achieve a beauty that you can believe in you must make choices to enhance the beauty that is already there. Everyone deserves to leave home feeling confident and excited about their own appearance. Permanent makeup is not a way to cover up the problems; it is way to help your best facial qualities and features to emerge. As you see this previously hidden part of you walk out into the light of day healing takes place and this healing energy can spread through the rest of your life.

    Dawn Willard?s twenty-three year career in the fine and applied arts has included lettering, illustrations and photo and film styling. She has learned an array of artistic skills, one being makeup. Ms. Willard currently owns the Permanent Makeup Studio in Asheville North Carolina. She can be reached at or